Full Stack Web Development

Full stack web development is the process of developing the complete website.

Before studying full-stack web development, we should know about :

  • What is a website?

  • What is web development?


A website is a collection of web pages. And the web pages are online pages that you can view by using the internet on a computer or smartphone.

For example, hashnode is a website and you are currently viewing and reading a web page of hashcode.

In general, we visit websites to get some information or services.

Now a number of questions arrive such as:

  • How do these websites work?

  • From where do they fetch information?

  • How can we get any type of information from anywhere through websites?

How websites work?

Websites have two parts "frontend part" and "backend part". Users access websites from the frontend part and the frontend part sends a request or query to the backend or server. After that, some processes take place on the server according to the user's request. Then, the server returns the response in the form of HTML, CSS, and JS files. These files are received by browser and rendered and shown on the frontend of the website.

From where do they fetch information?

All the information, data, and services of a website are stored in a specific server.

And the answer to the 3rd question is: We get any type of information from anywhere because of the internet. All websites are connected to their server by the internet.

Web Development:

Web development is the process of developing websites by coding. As we saw above that there are two parts of a website i.e, frontend and backend.

Web development process is also separated into two parts "Front End development" and "Back End development".

The complete process of developing front-end and back-end part is called "Full Stack Web Development".

That's why there are also three types of web developers:

Frontend developer: The one who develops the front-end part.

Backend developer: The one who develops the back-end part.

Full Stack web developer: The one who develops both frontend part and backend part.